Love a Chin Chin feast? Learn the secrets to creating your own at our riotous Cooking with Cooper classes.

Yep, you can level up those culinary skills with a hands-on masterclass led by king of the Chin Chin kitchen himself, Executive Chef Benjamin Cooper. He’ll show you how to infuse your next cooking sesh with a healthy dose of signature Chin Chin flavour and flair.

We switch up the theme every month, with regular dates for each class. One day you might be learning how to throw together a mouth-watering dinner party, while the next you’re scoring an education in Chin Chin-ifying your Sunday roast.

Each interactive class takes punters through a range of different recipes as they cook up a storm under Cooper’s expert guidance. What’s more, once you’re done and dusted, you’ll get to sit down to a post-class Feed Me feast featuring all the dishes you just created…and more.

Sign up now to be the first to hear about new class dates and to check out what’s coming up next.